
Payment by PayPal
Please select "PayPal" as your payment method and you will be redirected to the PayPal site automatically. If you have an existing PayPal account, you can log in using your user data to confirm the payment. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can register and proceed with the payment. Refunds from returns will be booked onto the registered PayPal account.


Payment by gift card,store credit,or promotion code
Simply go to your shopping bag and enter your code in the designated "Gift Card/Store Credit/Promotion Code" field. Your discount will be displayed in "Your current promotions" and the final price will be adjusted automatically. If the total of your order exceeds the balance of your store credit, gift card, or the amount of the promotion, you can select the payment method to cover the remaining amount during checkout. If the balance of your gift card or store credit exceeds the order amount, you may use the same code for your next purchase. The remaining amount will be available until you have used the credit balance in full.
CoCo Mystery reserves the right to block gift cards or store credit if misused.